Enviro-PrepĀ® Case Histories
What is the Enviro-Prep System®?
It's an innovative coating system that stabilizes the lead in lead bearing waste as it is removed from bridges, water towers, railroad cars, ships, man holes and other areas.
Is the Enviro-Prep System® an encapsulant?
No. The Enviro-Prep System® was not made to encapsulate the lead in paint or the lead paint on a structure. Instead, a chemical stabilization process occurs that renders the lead bearing waste nonhazardous according to current EPA regulations allowing for easy disposal.
How is the Enviro-Prep System® different from BDAT products?
The Enviro-Prep System® is very different. BDAT (Best Demonstrated Available Technology) products, as defined by the EPA, use a modified cementitious mixture. Enviro-Prep® products work differently because they actually create a new chemical compound with the lead and offer long-term stability.
Is the Enviro-Prep System® chemistry new?
No. The Enviro-Prep System® products have a remediation history of over 1.5 million square feet of lead-based paint across the U.S. and overseas. The same chemistry has been used to stabilize over 1,000,000 tons of heavy metal contaminated soil and waste for more than 15 years.
What does the EPA say about the Enviro-Prep System® chemistry?
The Enviro-Prep System® chemistry has been used at dozens of sites for the treatment of lead-contaminated soil and industrial waste. These jobs were completed with approval from the U.S. EPA and numerous state regulatory agencies.
Where does the waste go?
Disposing of the Enviro-Prep System® waste couldn't be easier. You can dispose of the waste in a regular Subtitle D landfill following all applicable regulations.

hci Products
We specialize in custom developed coating systems specifically for industrial and OEM clients.

Timber Seal
Wax End Sealer, End Grain Paint, & Tree Marking products for the lumber industry.

Niche Brands
NICHE BRANDS provides private label capabilities, custom packaging and attractive delivery options.

Designed to extend the lifespan of wood, AWP increases resistance to wear & tear and overall durability.